Hi, I'm Meteorologist John Marshall.
I have been on New York City television for 25 years.
If you would like your students to learn about weather in a new and interactive way, become a part of John's Weather Tour. With a live assembly, students will enjoy an active and vibrant educational experience - weather animations, videos and a live weather station are a part of the program. It’s a dynamic presentation.
The program is tailored curriculum wise for specific age groups: K-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade and 6th-8th grades. It runs about 45 minutes to an hour.
In addition to the NGSS weather curriculum, have your students become weathercasters for a day! We'll bring the mobile green screen weather studio to your school! The students will get in front of the green screen (a great way to infuse STEM/STEAM, into the students curriculum) and experience how a real weathercast is performed, just like a real TV studio- edutainment at it's finest!
I also discuss with the students an important word- passion. I knew I wanted to be a TV weatherman since 4th grade. They realize how much passion I have for weather and my career and how important it is for them to find something they are passionate about.
This is a unique, interactive and memorable program. it will be a hit with your students,educators and administration!