Corey The Dribbler is a former Harlem Globetrotter who integrates Drama, Theatrics, Performing Arts, Storytelling, and Music in his school assembly program to engage and inspire students in a welcoming and affirming environment! Corey holds EIGHT Guinness World Records for dribbling and ball handling – an art form in and of itself! He has also appeared on stage, live during NBA halftime shows, and on TV. In addition to performing his artistic talents for students, Corey shares his inspirational story including a Character Education message promoting Social Emotional Learning.
Besides an unforgettable, dramatic ball handling show, every student in the crowd engages and interacts, shouting-out and play-acting along with Corey. Corey invites students to come up on stage and have a chance to “steal the ball” from the World’s Best Ball Handler! There are also several other games that students will act-in with Corey, some include teachers! These games and his storytelling promote student leadership opportunities.
Arts Standards Check
Standard 2: Performing and Presenting
Anchor Standard #6: Convey meaning through the Presentation of Artistic Work
Students will actively engage in performing arts through drama and play-acting throughout Corey’s presentation.
Standard 3: Responding
Anchor Standards #7 and #8: Perceive and Analyze Artistic Work, and Interpret Meaning in Artistic Work
Students will perceive and analyze Corey’s presentation (theatrical and dramatic!), and interpret the meaning in his story which includes a Character Education message.