"In the Footsteps of Marco Polo" is a groundbreaking educational experience based upon Explorer, Author, Filmmaker Denis Belliveau's incredible two-year odyssey retracing the route of the famous 13th Century Venetian from Europe to China and back.
Gripping storytelling, award-winning photography, and an Emmy-nominated PBS documentary - "Denis provides a lens for students to see the world in real, different and meaningful ways, weaving in historical events...in a way that makes you feel like Marco Polo himself is telling you about his journey." - Jim Conti, The Pegasus School, CA.
Whether it’s a single day, multi day or full week 'Explorer-in-Residence’ program Denis offers a mix of inspirational live talks, inspired project-based learning workshops and immersive virtual reality which transport students on a remarkable journey along the fabled Silk Road.
“Denis’s lessons are about recognizing and following an intellectual and spiritual passion; it’s about doing the hard work to perfect your craft; it’s about learning how to move and communicate across cultural and political boundaries.” Bryon Stevens, The Harker School, CA.